One of the most effective weight loss spa treatments: Seaweed has been used for many centuries as natural slimming aids. This recipe is incredibly effective, very easy to use and incorporate into your regular beauty routine, and very affordable. These Seaweed wrap sessions costs from $800-$2500 in all spas across the United States. For a fraction of that price, you can benefit from the same therapy, with these superior, natural Seaweed products.
The treatment consists of wraps that are applied directly into the affected area: think of all those sports were you have stubborn cellulite or exercise resistant fat deposits. You can use regular cotton bandages for the wraps (cut any old cotton T-shirt in strips!).
Mode of Use: We need to prepare two mixes, one with red seaweed, and one with brown seaweed, for this treatment.
Red Seaweed Mix: We will prepare a seaweed gel. Mix half a liter of water with 10 grams of Red Seaweed powder in a large bowl. Leave alone for 30 minutes. At the end of this time, you will obtain a thick paste (plaster like), found at the bottom of the bowl, and a clearer gel in the surface. You can separate the plaster using a simple wooden spoon. The liquid gel is the part we will use in this treatment. clearer gel (Do not throw away the plaster: you can use it as a Rejuvenating Facial, neck, hands or breast treatment while you apply your anti-cellulite routine! Please click here for more details).
Brown Seaweed Mix: Mix brown algae with the red algae liquid gel, prepared in step one, in 1:3 proportion (brown algae:red algae gel). Therefore, is you mix half a cup of brown algae powder, you will need to add 1 1/2 cup of red algae gel. Apply this resulting plaster into all affected areas, covering with bandages. Leave for 30-45 minutes. After this time, remove bandages and wash away the plaster. Bandages can be laundered for future use.
This Bi-Plaster treatment is INCREDIBLE fighting cellulite, burning localized fats and firming skin tissues. Repeat this treatment once a week, for a month. After that, you will need bi-monthly applications to keep yourself cellulite free!
Our powders are presented in two 200 grams plastic, reusable containers. They have enough powder for 8-10 complete treatments.