A wonder for mature skin: Caviar creams and lotions
Caviar, that delicacy of the sea, it is also a Godsend for the skin. Caviar was found to speed up the natural production of collagen up to 67% and significantly reduces the protein cross linking (fibronectin). The results of consistent use? Skin that is firm and lifted..
Caviar extract is very rich in vitamins A, D, B1, B2, B6 and micro-elements Co, Cu, P, Si, Zn as well as amino acids such as glycine, lysine, histidine, arginine and asparagine. Those ingredients intensify the processes inside the skin cells and at the same time slow down the aging process by moisturizing the skin.
Caviar extract firms your skin and provides the highest possible level of hydration.
Not all caviar creams are created equal, though: many contain caviar "extract", a byproduct so diluted it brings no benefits at all. Some are so expensive that any constant use is prohibitive.
Dermik Caviar Skin Care line is the exception: a quality formula with high Caviar concentration, very reasonably priced. Dermik Caviar cream formula is even richer than La Prairie and Hanskin, yet Dermik's cost one fraction of the price. How many times do you encounter a product that is better than the expensier version?